A Crown of Ash is a small Twine Interactive Fiction story written in 500 words for Neo-Twiny Jam 2023. It follows a young prince named Halberd, and his thoughts on an inevitable wedding. There are two small endings to discover.

The cover image is a free resource that was done by Potat0Master here on Itch, and can be found here.

This is an idea I plan to flesh out after the game jam ends. This particular version of the game will remain it's own separate entity.

Thank you for checking out my story, and I hope you enjoy it!

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
TagsFantasy, LGBT, LGBTQIA, Male protagonist, Romance

Development log


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(1 edit) (+2)

This was a really lovely set up! I chose the option where we had a crush/unrequited(?) love for our knight, and a vaguely ambiguous air towards our betrothed. I could see myself really enjoying an extended demo that digs further into the various dynamics on display: jaded royalty with the established system, an unrequited beloved knight, and a husband we'd rather not have.

Thank you! I plan to expand on the choices made in this version. So while for this submission it adds a different touch of lore, it'll have a greater effect in the bigger demo I'm currently working on.